


  • 国籍:中国
  • 张元杰介绍
    张元杰教授,台湾清华大学科技管理研究院教授,台湾自强工业基金会执行长。 2015年当选台湾第16届院士。现兼任国际科技管理期刊 Technovation (SSCI) 客座编辑(Managing guest editor)。


    1985年9月-1990年6月 台湾彰化师范大学 工教系电子组 获学士学位;[1]


    1998年9月-2001年7月,英国曼彻斯特大学 科技政策研究所,获得科技政策与管理博士学位。[1]






    (CSMOT) 【监事/国际合作主任委员】

    台湾科技管理学刊 (科技部人文司管理一推荐期刊/ TSSCI)

    【执行编辑 (Executive Editor)】国际期刊 Technovation (SSCI)

    【Managing guest editor】


    2015年 美AAAS科技论坛 受邀学者(李世光张培仁张元杰)

    2008年07月~2008年12月美国史丹佛大学 亚太研究中心 访问学者 (Academic Entrepreneurship:

    Institutions, Organizations and Entrepreneurs)[1]

    2008年01月 国际会议 R&D Management Conference International Advisory Panel

    2006年11月国际会议 R&D Management Conference 2006 Taiwan 共同主办人 (洪荣昭教授、陈明惠教


    2006年06月~2006年09月丹麦哥本哈根商学院 访问学者(Hosted by Prof. Jan Mouritsen)[1]


    1. Chang, YC & Chen, MN (2016), Service regime and innovation clusters: An empirical study of service firms in Taiwan, ,45, 1845-1857 [SSCI].

    2. Chiu, WH, Chi, HR, Chang, YC, Chen, MH (2016), Dynamic capabilities and radical innovation performance in established firms: A structural model,Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 28(8), 965-978 [SSCI].

    3. Chen, MH, Chang, YY, Chang, YC (2015),Exploring individual work context fit in affecting employee creativity in technology-based companies, , 98, 1-12(leading article) (SSCI, 2013 impact factor= 1.959, 9/55 (top 16%) in Planning and Development).

    4. Chen, MH, Chang, YY, Chang, YC (2015), Entrepreneurial orientation, social networks & creative performance: Middle managers as corporate managers, , 24 (3), 493-507 [SSCI, IF (2013)= 0.714, Rank 128/173 in Management].

    5. Chang, YC, Miles, I, and Hung, SC (2014), Editorial: Introduction to the special Issue-Managing Technology-Service Convergence, , 34 (9), 499-504. [SSCI, IF (2014)= 2.526, Rank 3/43 (top 7%) in Industrial Engineering; 7/81 (top 9%) in Operational Research and Management Science]

    6. Chang, YC, Linton, J. and Chen, MN (2012), Service Regime: An empirical analysis of innovation patterns in service firms, , 79 (9), 1569-1582 (Leading article) [SSCI, 2012 IF= 2.106, Rank 7/55 (Top 13%) Planning and Development].

    7. Chang, YC& Chen, M.-N. (2011), On Transformation of Public Sector Research: A Preliminary Post-STBL Assessment in Taiwan, 78, 498-513[SSCI, IF (2011)= 1.709, Top 17%, Rank 9/54 in Planning and Development].

    8. Yang, P. and Chang, Y.-C. (2010), Academic research commercialization, knowledge production and diffusion: the moderating effects of entrepreneurial commitment, , 83 (2), 403-421 (corresponding author) [SSCI, IF (2010) = 1.905, Top 18% Journal, Rank 14/76 in Information Science and Library Science].

    9. Chang, Y.-C. (2009), Systems of innovation, spatial knowledge links & the firm's innovation performance: Towards a national-global complementarity view,Regional Studies, 43 (9), 1199-1224.[SSCI, IF (2007) = 1.797, Top 10%, Rank 5/52 in Environmental Studies].[2]

    10. Chang, Y-C., Chen, M-H., Hua, M. and Yang, P. (2008), Universities as Patents- and Licensing Incomes-Generating Institutions, , 42 (3), 290-309. [SSCI, IF= 0.526]

    11. Chang, Y-C.and Chen, M. (2004), Comparing Approaches to Systems of Innovation: The Knowledge Perspective, , 26 (1), 17~37 [SSCI].


    [1] 研究者查询网 · 清华大学机构典藏[引用日期2016-12-26]

    [2] CrossRef citations 0 Altmetric Original Articles S · Taylor and Francis Online[引用日期2016-12-23]




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