


  • 释义:协定;交易
  • 近义词:trade
  • 词性:名词、动词
  • DEAL介绍


    deal :交易, (政治上的)密约, 待遇, 份量, <口>买卖vi.处理, 应付, 做生意vt.分配, 分给(out), 发牌, 给予


    1. a particular instance of buying or selling同义词:trade, business deal

    2. an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each同义词:bargain

    3. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent同义词:batch, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, muckle, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad, whole lot, whole slew4. a plank of softwood (fir or pine board)5. wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir)同义词:softwood6. the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time同义词:hand7. the type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement)8. the act of distributing playing cards9. the act of apportioning or distributing something



    1. deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression同义词:cover, treat, handle, plow, address

    2. take action with respect to (someone or something)3. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes同义词:consider, take, look at

    4. come to terms or deal successfully with同义词:cope, get by, make out, make do, contend, grapple, manage

    5. administer or bestow, as in small portions同义词:distribute, administer, mete out, parcel out, lot, dispense, shell out, deal out, dish out, allot, dole out

    6. do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood同义词:sell, trade

    7. be in charge of, act on, or dispose of同义词:manage, care, handle

    8. behave in a certain way towards others

    9. distribute to the players in a game

    10. direct the course of; manage or control同义词:conduct, carry on

    11. give out as one's portion or share同义词:share, divvy up, portion out, apportion

    12. give (a specific card) to a player13. sell


    a big deal [美, 口]要人; 重要的事

    a great deal 许多

    a good deal 许多

    Big de al! 妙极了! (假装赞叹的讽刺语)


    call it a deal [俚]就这样决定; 一言为定

    close a deal 达成一项协议; 完成一项交易

    Good deal! [美俚]好极了! 好办法!

    make a big deal out of [美口]把...看得极为重要, 对...极为重视, 就...小题大作 make a deal with 与...做成一笔交易; 与...达成协议

    do a deal with 与...做成一笔交易; 与...达成协议

    rawdeal [口]苛刻[不公正]的待遇

    That is saying a great deal. 这已经算了不起了。

    That's a deal. 就这么办, 一言为定。

    It's a deal. 就这么办, 一言为定。

    deal in 从事于 经营, 做...买卖 分给(某人)一份

    deal out 分配 给予; 执行

    deal well by sb. 待某人好

    deal well with sb. 待某人好

    deal with 与...交往(有生意往来) 应付, 对付; 处理 论及, 涉及, 研究




    deal with处理;涉及;做生意

    great deal大量

    a great deal of大量

    deal inv. 经营

    good deal划算,好交易


    1、I only deal with schools.


    2、How do you deal with it and what should I do with it?


    3、What should we do to deal with this situation?


    该页面最新编辑时间为 2023年12月7日




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