


  • 介  质:CD
  • 定价:73.00
  • ISRC:9787799432410
  • 介质:CD
  • 碟片数:1
  • 迈克尔·杰克逊—飙介绍
    《迈克尔·杰克逊—飙》专辑所属歌手迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson,1958.8.29-2009.6.25),全名迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊。是一名在世界各地极具影响力的歌手、作曲家、作词家、舞蹈家、演员、导演、唱片制作人、慈善家、时尚引领者,被誉为流行音乐之王,他魔幻般的舞步更是被无数明星效仿。美国当地时间2009年6月25日,其私人医生康拉德·莫里违规注射镇静剂过量导致杰克逊突然逝世,终年50岁。2011年9月,莫里“过失杀人案”进入审判阶段,2011年11月7日下午13时,杰克逊的死亡案公布最终审判结果,莫里“过失杀人罪”罪名成立。



    01 Bad 真棒

    02 The Way You Make Me Feel 你给我的感觉

    03 Speed Demon 速度之魔

    04 Liberian Girl 利比里亚女郎

    05 Just Good Friends 只是好朋友

    06 Another Part Of Me 我的另外一面

    07 Man In The Mirror 镜中的男人

    08 I Just Can't Stop Loving You 止不住的爱恋

    09 Dirty Diana 风骚的戴安娜

    10 Smooth Criminal (Radio Edit) 犯罪高手(电台版)

    11 Leave Me Alone 别打扰我

    12 Voice-over Intro Quincy Jones Interview # 1/Quincy Jones Interview #1 画外音—昆西 琼斯 采访1

    13 Streetwalker 夜女郎

    14 Voice-over Intro Quincy Jones Interview #2/Quincy Jones Interview #2 画外音—昆西 琼斯 采访2

    15 Todo Mi Amor Eres Tu (I Just Can't Stop Loving You) 我是你所爱(西班牙语版)

    16 Quincy Jones Interview #3 昆西 琼斯 采访3

    17 Voice-over Intro "Fly Away" 画外音—介绍"飞逝"

    18 Fly Away 飞逝


    全球销售破1亿1千万张的经典专辑,分别加收畅销单曲原始录音版本、拉丁版本或从未面世的单曲、珍贵访谈,全新包装,一次满足新旧歌迷2001年迈克尔震撼!从79年的”Off The Wall (墙外)"开始,Michael旋风一直袭卷至今,他强烈嘶吼与个人魅力十足的舞台表演,始终是人人争相模仿与学习的典范,更由于Michael和Quincy Jones 的完美组合,缔造专辑销售千万的惊人纪录。87年Michael筹划已久的专辑Bad,承袭以往灵魂、朋克和摇滚合一的独特曲风。专辑不仅获得滚石杂志四颗星评价,并拥有5首冠军曲,包括才发行第二周即跃升英国排行冠军的I Just Can’t Stop Loving You、与著名爵士乐手Jimmy Smith 合作的Bad,由Billy Idol吉他手Steve Stevens跨刀演出的Dirty Diana,同时获流行排行和R & B榜冠军的The Way You Make Me Feel和Man In The Mirror。事实上,这位流行音乐天王,无时无刻在展现他惊人的才华,在Bad专辑发行之际,Michael Jackson再次震撼全球乐迷的视听。本辑为迈克尔迷必备的超值珍藏版,在2001年全新发行Bad,收录原有畅销曲目外,特别加收从未正式收录在专辑中的Street Walker、Fly Away、I Just Can’t Stop Loving You拉丁版,及制作人Quincy Jones、专辑作曲者Rod Temperton珍贵访谈等精采内容




    版权提供:索尼音乐娱乐中国控股有限公司文音进字:(2009)374号语 言:null国权进字:12-2009-0369号地 区:欧美



    your butt is mine 我清楚你的一切

    I Gonna tell you right 我要教训你一顿

    Just show your face 快在众人面前

    In broad daylight 显露你的真样

    I’m telling you 我要告诉你

    On how I feel 我的感觉

    Gonna Hurt Your Mind 这会伤害你

    Don’t shoot to kill 别气得发狂

    Come on 来吧

    Come on 来吧

    Lay it on me 都算在我头上

    All right 怎么样?

    I’m giving you 等我

    On count of three 数到三

    To show your stuff 你就得表现给我看

    Or let it be 要么就滚蛋

    I’m telling you 我告诉你

    Just watch your mouth 说话要留神

    I know your game 我了解你的把戏

    What you’re about 你的为人

    Well they say the sky’s the limit 他们说天空有极限

    bad 封面

    And to me that’s really true 对此我确信无疑 But my friend you have seen nothin’ 但我的朋友你什么都还没看见

    Just wait till I get through 干脆等待我成功的消息

    Because I’m bad, I’m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒

    Come on

    (Bad, bad, really, really bad)

    You know I’m bad, I’m bad

    (Bad, bad, really, really bad)

    You know it 你清楚

    You know I’m bad, I’m bad

    Come on, you know 你了解

    (Bad, bad, really, really bad)

    And the whole world 整个世界必须

    Has to answer right now 马上给出答案

    Just to tell you once again 再提醒你一次

    Who’s bad 谁才是真棒?

    The word is out 话已出口

    You’re doin’ wrong 你正在做错事

    Gonna lock you up 得治治你

    Before too long 趁不太晚

    Your lyin’ eyes 你撒谎的眼睛

    Gonna tell you right 暴露了你自己

    So listen up 所以听仔细

    Don’t make a fight 别气得来打一仗

    Your talk is cheap 你的话语不值钱

    You’re not a man 你不是一个男子汉

    Your throwin’ stones 做事不敢认

    To hide your hands 还在装蒜

    Well they say the sky’s the limit 他们说天空有极限

    And to me that’s really true 对此我确信无疑

    But my friend you have seen nothin’ 但我的朋友你什么都还没看见

    Just wait till I get through 干脆等待我成功的消息

    Because I’m bad, I’m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒

    Come on

    (Bad, bad, really, really bad)

    You know I’m bad, I’m bad

    (Bad, bad, really, really bad)

    You know it 你清楚

    You know I’m bad, I’m bad

    Come on, you know 你了解

    (Bad, bad, really, really bad)

    And the whole world 整个世界必须

    Has to answer right now 马上给出答案

    Just to tell you once again 再提醒你一次

    Who’s bad 谁才是真棒?

    We could change the world tomorrow 我们明天可以让世界改观

    This could be a better place 一切都将会不一样

    If you don’t like what I’m sayin’ 但如果你不喜欢我的言谈

    Then won’t you slap my face 为什么却不敢来向我挑战

    Because I’m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒




    Go on, girl

    Hey pretty baby with the high heels on 啊,穿高跟鞋的漂亮的女孩

    You give me fever like I’ve never ever known 从未有人如此撩动我的情怀

    You’re just a product of loveliness 你就是美丽的化身

    I like the groove of your walk 我喜欢你的言谈举止

    Your talk, your dress 喜欢你的装扮

    I feel your fever from miles around 远远都能感受到你的魔力

    I’ll pick you up in my car 我要接你外出兜风

    And we’ll paint the town 我俩将让整个城镇焕发光彩

    Just kiss me, baby 亲亲我,宝贝

    And tell me twice 再多告诉我一遍

    That you’re the one for me 你是我的唯一爱人

    The way you make me feel 这就是你给我的感觉

    (The way you make me feel)

    You really turn me on 你让我兴奋难耐

    (You really turn me on)

    You knock me off of my feet 你令我目眩神迷

    (You knock me off of my feet)

    My lonely days are gone 寂寞的日子从此一去不返

    (My lonely days are gone)

    I like this feeling you’re giving me 我喜欢你给我的感觉

    Just hold me, baby 就这样抱着我

    And I’m in ecstasy 我已心醉神怡

    Oh, I’ll be working from 9 to 5 我要努力工作

    To buy you things 给你买想要的东西

    To keep you by my side 让你不肯远离

    I never felt so in love before 我从未如此深陷爱河

    Just promise, baby 答应我,宝贝

    You’ll love me forever more 你会永远永远爱我

    I swear I’m keeping you satisfied 我保证会让你幸福快乐

    ’Cause you’re the one for me 因为你是我的唯一爱人

    The way you make me feel 这就是你给我的感觉

    (The way you make me feel)

    You really turn me on 你让我兴奋难耐

    (You really turn me on)

    You knock me off of my feet 你令我目眩神迷

    (You knock me off of my feet)

    My lonely days are gone 寂寞的日子从此一去不返

    (My lonely days are gone)


    I'm Headed For The Border

    It's On My Mind

    And Nothin' Really Matters

    I've Got To Be On Time

    Look In The View Mirror

    Is He Hot On My Tracks

    Is He Getting Nearer

    I Feel Some Heat Is On

    My Back

    (Speed Demon)

    Speedin' On The Freeway

    Gotta Get A Leadway

    (Speed Demon)

    Doin' It On The Highway

    Gotta Have It My Way

    (Speed Demon)

    Mind Is Like A Compass

    I'm Stoppin' At Nothin'

    (Speed Demon)

    (He Say) Pull Over Boy And

    Get Your Ticket Right . . .

    And Nothin' Gonna Stop Me

    Ain't No Stop And Go

    I'm Speedin' On The Midway

    I Gotta Really Burn This Road

    (Speed Demon)

    Speedin' On The Freeway

    Gotta Get The Leadway

    (Speed Demon)

    Doin' It On The Highway

    Gotta Have It My Way

    (Speed Demon)

    Mind Is Like A Compass

    I'm Stoppin' At Nothin'

    (Speed Demon)

    (He Say) Pull Over Boy And

    Get Your Ticket Right . . .

    Speed Demon, You're The

    Very Same One

    Who Said The Future's In

    Your Hands

    The Life You Save Could Be

    Your Own

    You're Preachin' 'Bout My

    Life Like You're The Law

    Gonna Live Each Day And

    Hour Like

    For Me There's No Tomorrow

    Go! Go! Go! Aaow!

    (Speed Demon)

    Speedin' On The Freeway

    Gotta Get A Leadway

    (Speed Demon)

    Got Fire In My Pocket

    I Just Lit A Rocket

    (Speed Demon)

    Just Pull Over Boy

    And Get Your Ticket Right

    (Speed Demon)

    Pull Over Boy And

    Get Your Ticket Right

    (Speed Demon)

    Just, Pull Over Boy

    And Eat Your Ticket

    Pull Over Boy

    Pull Over Boy

    And Get Your Ticket Right





    Get Your Ticket Right

    Pull Over Boy-Get

    Your Ticket Right

    Pull Over Boy And

    Get Your Ticket Right

    Pull Over Boy

    Pull Over Boy And

    Get Your Ticket

    Eat Your Ticket

    Get Your Ticket

    Eat Yo', Get Yo', Hoo! Aaow!

    Get Your Ticket Right


    (Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka


    (I Love You Too-I Want You

    Too-My Love)

    Liberian Girl . . .

    You Came And You Changed

    My World

    A Love So Brand New

    Liberian Girl . . .

    You Came And You Changed

    Me Girl

    A Feeling So True

    Liberian Girl

    You Know That You Came

    And You Changed My World,

    Just Like In The Movies,

    With Two Lovers In A Scene

    And She Says . . .

    "Do You Love Me"

    And He Says So Endlessly . . .

    "I Love You, Liberian Girl"

    (Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka


    (I Love You Too-I Want You

    Too-My Love)

    Liberian Girl . . .

    More Precious Than

    Any Pearl

    Your Love So Complete

    Liberian Girl . . .

    You Kiss Me Then,

    Ooh, The World

    You Do This To Me

    Liberian Girl

    You Know That You Came

    And You Changed My World,

    Just Like In The Movies,

    With Two Lovers In A Scene

    And She Says,

    "Do You Love Me"

    And He Says So Endlessly

    "I Love You, Liberian Girl"

    (Naku Penda Piya-Naku Taka


    (I Love You Too-I Want You

    Too-My Love)

    Liberian Girl

    You Know That You Came

    And You Changed My World,

    I Wait For The Day,

    When You Have To Say

    "I Do,"

    And I'll Smile And Say It Too,

    And Forever We'll Be True

    I Love You, Liberian Girl,

    All The Time


    I Love You Liberian Girl,

    All The Time


    I Love You Liberian Girl,

    All The Time


    I Love You Liberian Girl,

    All The Time


    I Love You

    I Love You Baby


    I Want You

    I Love You Baby


    Ooh! I Love You Baby, I Want

    You Baby, Ooh!




    Na Na Na-Na Na Na Na Nah!


    Hoo Hoo!


    Doggone Lover!


    C'mon Boy


    I Watched You On The Floor

    Cheek To Cheek

    She's Getting To You

    You Didn't See-Her Eyes On


    She Looked Right Through You

    (Before You Make)

    Before You Make

    (A Big Mistake)


    That Looks Can Fool You

    Babe, Hee!

    There's Something I Would

    Sure Appreciate

    (If You Can Keep A Secret)

    Baby Loves Me

    But She Never Shows

    She Cares

    (No, You Won't See Her Kiss

    And Hug Me)

    Baby Loves Me

    No She Acts Like I'm

    Not There

    (That Doesn't Mean She

    Doesn't Love Me-Ooo)

    If They Ask Her

    Tell 'Em That We're Just

    Good Friends . . .

    Dah! Chika-Chika-Chika-Ah!

    Just Good Friends . . .

    Ah! Chika-Chika-Ah!


    (Doot-Do-Do-Doo . . .)

    Hee! Aaow!

    Just Good Friends . . .


    You Better Take Advice

    Never Trust-First Impressions

    I Tried To Hide This Affair

    From Their Suspicions

    So Even If She's Asking You

    To Stay

    You Better Know Where

    You Stand

    (You Better Know Where

    You Stand)

    Baby Loves Me

    Though She Never Shows

    She Cares

    (No, You Won't See Her Kiss

    And Hug Me)

    My Baby Loves Me

    Though She Acts Like I'm

    Not There

    (That Doesn't Mean She

    Doesn't Love Me-Ooo)

    Now If They Ask You

    Jus' Tell 'Em That We're Just

    Good Friends . . .

    Yes . . .Just Good Friends

    (Just Good Friends . . .)

    Root-Do-Do-Do . . .

    (Doot-Do-Do-Do . . .)

    Just Good Friends . . .


    Listen Up, Hee . . .We've Got A

    Problem Here


    I Can See The Signs


    I Guess The Lady


    Is Still Making Up Her Mind


    (Say We're Just Good Friends)


    Baby Loves Me

    Though She Never Shows

    She Cares

    (Never Shows She Cares)

    No You Won't See Her Kiss

    And Hug Me

    (Just Good Friends)

    (My Baby Loves Me)


    Though She Acts Like I'm Not


    You Doggone Lover, Hee . . .



    (Doot-Do-Do-Doo . . .)

    Don't You Wanna Know? My

    Baby Loves Me

    Though She Never Shows

    She Cares

    (Never Shows She Cares)


    Hee! Hee!


    She Doesn't Kiss And Hug Me

    (Just Good Friends)


    My Baby Loves Me

    She Love Me, She Love Me,

    Hee! Hee! Hee! Hoo! Hoo!


    (Never Shows She Cares) . . .


    We're Takin' Over

    We Have The Truth

    This Is The Mission

    To See It Through

    Don't Point Your Finger

    Not Dangerous

    This Is Our Planet

    You're One Of Us

    We're Sendin' Out

    A Major Love

    And This Is Our

    Message To You

    (Message To You)

    The Planets Are Linin' Up

    We're Bringin' Brighter Days

    They're All In Line

    Waitin' For You

    Can't You See . . .?

    You're Just Another Part Of Me . .

    A Rather Nation

    Fulfill The Truth

    The Final Message

    We're Bring To You

    There Is No Danger

    Fulfill The Truth

    So Come Together

    We're Mean Is You

    We're Sendin' Out

    A Major Love

    And This Is Our

    Message To You

    (Message To You)

    The Planets Are Linin' Up

    We're Bringin' Brighter Days

    They're All In Line

    Waitin' For You

    So Look The Truth

    You're Just Another Part Of Me . .

    We're Sendin' Out

    A Major Love

    And This Is Our

    Message To You

    (Message To You)

    The Planets Are Linin' Up

    We're Bringin' Brighter Days

    They're All In Line

    Waitin' For You

    Can't You See . . .?

    You're Just Another Part Of Me

    Another Part Of Me . .

    We're Takin' Over

    This Is The Truth, Baby

    Another Part Of Me


    I'm Gonna Make A Change,

    For Once In My Life

    It's Gonna Feel Real Good,

    Gonna Make A Difference

    Gonna Make It Right . . .

    As I, Turn Up The Collar On My

    Favourite Winter Coat

    This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind

    I See The Kids In The Street,

    With Not Enough To Eat

    Who Am I, To Be Blind?

    Pretending Not To See

    Their Needs

    A Summer's Disregard,

    A Broken Bottle Top

    And A One Man's Soul

    They Follow Each Other On

    The Wind Ya' Know

    'Cause They Got Nowhere

    To Go

    That's Why I Want You To


    I'm Starting With The Man In

    The Mirror

    I'm Asking Him To Change

    His Ways

    And No Message Could Have

    Been Any Clearer

    If You Wanna Make The World

    A Better Place

    (If You Wanna Make The

    World A Better Place)

    Take A Look At Yourself, And

    Then Make A Change

    (Take A Look At Yourself, And

    Then Make A Change)

    (Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,

    Na Nah)

    I've Been A Victim Of A Selfish

    Kind Of Love

    It's Time That I Realize

    That There Are Some With No

    Home, Not A Nickel To Loan

    Could It Be Really Me,

    Pretending That They're Not


    A Willow Deeply Scarred,

    Somebody's Broken Heart

    And A Washed-Out Dream

    (Washed-Out Dream)

    They Follow The Pattern Of

    The Wind, Ya' See

    Cause They Got No Place

    To Be

    That's Why I'm Starting With


    (Starting With Me!)

    I'm Starting With The Man In

    The Mirror


    I'm Asking Him To Change

    His Ways


    And No Message Could Have

    Been Any Clearer

    If You Wanna Make The World

    A Better Place

    (If You Wanna Make The

    World A Better Place)

    Take A Look At Yourself And

    Then Make A Change

    (Take A Look At Yourself And

    Then Make A Change)

    I'm Starting With The Man In

    The Mirror


    I'm Asking Him To Change His


    (Change His Ways-Ooh!)

    And No Message Could've

    Been Any Clearer

    If You Wanna Make The World

    A Better Place

    (If You Wanna Make The

    World A Better Place)

    Take A Look At Yourself And

    Then Make That . . .

    (Take A Look At Yourself And

    Then Make That . . .)


    I'm Starting With The Man In

    The Mirror,

    (Man In The Mirror-Oh


    I'm Asking Him To Change

    His Ways

    (Better Change!)

    No Message Could Have

    Been Any Clearer

    (If You Wanna Make The

    World A Better Place)

    (Take A Look At Yourself And

    Then Make The Change)

    (You Gotta Get It Right, While

    You Got The Time)

    ('Cause When You Close Your


    You Can't Close Your . . .Your


    (Then You Close Your . . .


    That Man, That Man, That

    Man, That Man

    With That Man In The Mirror

    (Man In The Mirror, Oh Yeah!)

    That Man, That Man, That Man

    I'm Asking Him To Change

    His Ways

    (Better Change!)

    You Know . . .That Man

    No Message Could Have

    Been Any Clearer

    If You Wanna Make The World

    A Better Place

    (If You Wanna Make The

    World A Better Place)

    Take A Look At Yourself And

    Then Make A Change

    (Take A Look At Yourself And

    Then Make A Change)

    Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

    Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,

    Na Nah

    (Oh Yeah!)

    Gonna Feel Real Good Now!

    Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah!

    Yeah Yeah!

    Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,

    Na Nah

    (Ooooh . . .)

    Oh No, No No . . .

    I'm Gonna Make A Change

    It's Gonna Feel Real Good!

    Come On!

    (Change . . .)

    Just Lift Yourself

    You Know

    You've Got To Stop It.


    (Yeah!-Make That Change!)

    I've Got To Make That Change,



    (Man In The Mirror)

    You Got To

    You Got To Not Let Yourself . . .

    Brother . . .


    (Yeah!-Make That Change!)

    You Know-I've Got To Get

    That Man, That Man . . .

    (Man In The Mirror)

    You've Got To

    You've Got To Move! Come

    On! Come On!

    You Got To . . .

    Stand Up! Stand Up!

    Stand Up!

    (Yeah-Make That Change)

    Stand Up And Lift

    Yourself, Now!

    (Man In The Mirror)

    Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!


    (Yeah-Make That Change)

    Gonna Make That Change . . .

    Come On!

    (Man In The Mirror)

    You Know It!

    You Know It!

    You Know It!

    You Know . . .

    (Change . . .)

    Make That Change.I JUST CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU 止不住的爱恋 I Just Want To Lay Next To You

    For Awhile

    You Look So Beautiful Tonight

    Your Eyes Are So Lovely

    Your Mouth Is So Sweet

    A Lot Of People

    Misunderstand Me

    That's Because They Don't

    Know Me At All

    I Just Want To Touch You

    And Hold You

    I Need You

    God I Need You

    I Love You So Much


    Each Time The Wind Blows

    I Hear Your Voice So

    I Call Your Name . . .

    Whispers At Morning

    Our Love Is Dawning

    Heaven's Glad You Came . . .

    You Know How I Feel

    This Thing Can't Go Wrong

    I'm So Proud To Say

    I Love You

    Your Love's Got Me High

    I Long To Get By

    This Time Is Forever

    Love Is The Answer


    I Hear Your Voice Now

    You Are My Choice Now

    The Love You Bring

    Heaven's In My Heart

    At Your Call

    I Hear Harps,

    And Angels Sing

    You Know How I Feel

    This Thing Can't Go Wrong

    I Can't Live My Life

    Without You


    I Just Can't Hold On


    I Feel We Belong


    My Life Ain't Worth Living

    If I Can't Be With You


    I Just Can't Stop Loving You

    I Just Can't Stop Loving You

    And If I Stop . . .

    Then Tell Me Just What

    Will I Do


    'Cause I Just Can't Stop

    Loving You


    At Night When The

    Stars Shine

    I Pray In You I'll Find

    A Love So True . . .


    When Morning Awakes Me

    Will You Come And Take Me

    I'll Wait For You


    You Know How I Feel

    I Won't Stop Until

    I Hear Your Voice Saying

    "I Do"


    "I Do"

    This Thing Can't Go Wrong


    This Feeling's So Strong


    Well, My Life Ain't

    Worth Living


    If I Can't Be With You

    I Just Can't Stop Loving You

    I Just Can't Stop Loving You

    And If I Stop . . .

    Then Tell Me, Just What

    Will I Do


    I Just Can't Stop Loving You


    We Can Change All The World



    We Can Sing Songs Of



    I Can Say, Hey . . .Farewell

    To Sorrow


    This Is My Life And I,


    Want To See You For Always

    I Just Can't Stop Loving You


    No, Baby




    I Just Can't Stop Loving You


    If I Can't Stop!


    And If I Stop . . .




    Oh! Oh! Oh . . .Oh . . .


    What Will I Do? Uh . . .Ooh . . .

    (Then Tell Me, Just What

    Will I Do)


    I Just Can't Stop Loving You


    Hee! Hee! Hee! Know I Do



    I Just Can't Stop Loving You


    You Know I Do

    And If I Stop . . .


    Then Tell Me, Just What

    Will I Do


    I Just Can't Stop Loving You


    Oh No . . .

    Oh No . . .

    Oh No . . .

    You'll Never Make Me Stay

    So Take Your Weight Off Of Me

    I Know Your Every Move

    So Won't You Just Let Me Be

    I've Been Here Times Before

    But I Was Too Blind To See

    That You Seduce Every Man

    This Time You Won't Seduce Me

    She's Saying That's Ok

    Hey Baby Do What You Please

    I Have The Stuff That You Want

    I Am The Thing That You Need

    She Looked Me Deep In The Eyes

    She's Touchin' Me So To Start

    She Says There's No Turnin' Back

    She Trapped Me In Her Heart

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, No

    Dirty Diana

    Let Me Be!

    Oh No . . .

    Oh No . . .

    Oh No . . .

    She Likes The Boys In The


    She Knows When They Come To Town

    Every Musician's Fan After

    The Curtain Comes Down

    She Waits At Backstage


    For Those Who Have Prestige

    Who Promise

    Fortune And Fame, A Life

    That's So Carefree

    She's Saying That's Ok

    Hey Baby Do What You Want

    I'll Be Your Night Lovin' Thing

    I'll Be The Freak You Can Taunt

    And I Don't Care What You


    I Want To Go Too Far

    I'll Be Your Everything

    If You Make Me A Star

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, No

    Dirty Diana . . .

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, No

    Dirty Diana . . .



    Dirty Diana!

    It's Dia . . .Aa . . .Aa . . .

    Come On!

    She Said I Have To Go Home

    'Cause I'm Real Tired You See

    But I Hate Sleepin' Alone

    Why Don't You Come With


    I Said My Baby's At Home

    She's Probably Worried


    I Didn't Call On The Phone To

    Say That I'm Alright

    Diana Walked Up To Me,

    She Said I'm All Yours


    At That I Ran To The Phone

    Sayin' Baby I'm Alright

    I Said But Unlock The Door,

    Because I Forgot The Key,

    She Said He's Not Coming


    Because He's Sleeping With


    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, No

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana, Nah

    Dirty Diana . . .

    Come On!

    Come On!

    Come On!

    Come On!...


    As He Came Into The Window

    It Was The Sound Of A


    He Came Into Her Apartment

    He Left The Bloodstains On

    The Carpet

    She Ran Underneath The Table

    He Could See She Was Unable

    So She Ran Into The Bedroom

    She Was Struck Down, It Was

    Her Doom

    Annie Are You Ok

    So, Annie Are You Ok

    Are You Ok, Annie

    Annie Are You Ok

    So, Annie Are You Ok

    Are You Ok, Annie

    Annie Are You Ok

    So, Annie Are You Ok

    Are You Ok, Annie

    Annie Are You Ok

    So, Annie Are You Ok, Are You Ok, Annie

    (Annie Are You Ok)

    (Will You Tell Us That You're


    (There's A Sign In The


    (That He Struck You-A

    Crescendo Annie)

    (He Came Into Your


    (He Left The Bloodstains On

    The Carpet)

    (Then You Ran Into The


    (You Were Struck Down)

    (It Was Your Doom)

    Annie Are You Ok

    So, Annie Are You Ok

    Are You Ok Annie

    Annie Are You Ok

    So, Annie Are You Ok

    Are You Ok Annie

    Annie Are You Ok

    So, Annie Are You Ok

    Are You Ok Annie

    You've Been Hit By

    You've Been Hit By-

    A Smooth Criminal

    So They Came Into The


    It Was Sunday-What A Black


    Mouth To Mouth Resus-


    Sounding Heartbeats-


    Annie Are You Ok

    So, Annie Are You Ok

    Are You Ok Annie

    Annie Are You Ok

    So, Annie Are You Ok

    Are You Ok Annie

    Annie Are You Ok

    So, Annie Are You Ok

    Are You Ok Annie

    Annie Are You Ok

    So, Annie Are You Ok

    Are You Ok Annie

    (Annie Are You Ok)

    (Will You Tell Us That You're


    (There's A Sign In The


    (That He Struck You-A

    Crescendo Annie)

    (He Came Into Your


    (He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)

    (Then You Ran Into The


    (You Were Struck Down)

    (It Was Your Doom)

    (Annie Are You Ok)

    (So, Annie Are You Ok)

    (Are You Ok Annie)

    (You've Been Hit By)

    (You've Been Struck By-

    A Smooth Criminal)

    Okay, I Want Everybody To

    Clear The Area Right Now!


    (Annie Are You Ok)

    I Don't Know!

    (Will You Tell Us, That

    You're Ok)

    I Don't Know!

    (There's A Sign In The


    I Don't Know!

    (That He Struck You-A

    Crescendo Annie)

    I Don't Know!

    (He Came Into Your


    I Don't Know!

    (Left Bloodstains On The


    I Don't Know Why Baby!

    (Then You Ran Into The


    I Don't Know!

    (You Were Struck Down)

    (It Was Your Doom-Annie!)

    (Annie Are You Ok)

    Dad Gone It-Baby!

    (Will You Tell Us, That

    You're Ok)

    Dad Gone It-Baby!

    (There's A Sign In The


    Dad Gone It-Baby!

    (That He Struck You-A

    Crescendo Annie)

    Hoo! Hoo!

    (He Came Into Your


    Dad Gone It!

    (Left Bloodstains On The


    Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

    (Then You Ran Into The


    Dad Gone It!

    (You Were Struck Down)

    (It Was Your Doom-Annie!)



    Aaow!-Hoo Hoo!

    I Don't Care What You Talkin'

    'Bout Baby

    I Don't Care What You Say

    Don't You Come Walkin'

    Beggin' Back Mama

    I Don't Care Anyway

    Time After Time I Gave You All Of My Money

    No Excuses To Make

    Ain't No Mountain That I

    Can't Climb Baby

    All Is Going My Way

    ('Cause There's A Time When

    You're Right)

    (And You Know You Must


    Who's Laughing Baby, Don't

    You Know

    (And There's The Choice That

    We Make)

    (And This Choice You Will


    Who's Laughin' Baby

    So Just Leave Me Alone

    Leave Me Alone

    (Leave Me Alone)

    (Leave Me Alone)

    Leave Me Alone

    (Leave Me Alone)

    (Leave Me Alone)

    (Leave Me Alone)

    Leave Me Alone-Stop It!

    Just Stop Doggin' Me Around

    (Just Stop Doggin' Me)

    There Was A Time I Used To

    Say Girl I Need You

    But Who Is Sorry Now

    You Really Hurt, You Used To

    Take And Deceive Me

    Now Who Is Sorry Now

    You Got A Way Of Making Me

    Feel So Sorry

    I Found Out Right Away

    Don't You Come Walkin'-

    Beggin' I Ain't Lovin' You

    Don't You Get In My Way


    (There's A Time When You're


    (And You Know You Must


    Who's Laughing Baby-Don't

    You Know?

    (And There's The Choice That

    We Make)

    (And This Choice You Will


    Who's Laughin' Baby?

    So Just Leave Me Alone

    Leave Me Alone

    (Leave Me Alone)

    (Leave Me Alone)

    Leave Me Alone

    Leave Me Alone

    (Leave Me Alone)

    (Leave Me Alone)

    (Leave Me Alone)

    Stop It!

    Just Stop Doggin' Me Around

    (Just Stop Doggin' Me)

    ('Cause There's A Time When

    You're Right)

    (And You Know You Must


    Who's Laughing Baby, Don't

    You Know, Girl

    (It's The Choice That We


    (And This Choice You Will


    Who's Laughin' Baby

    So Just Leave Me Alone

    Leave Me Alone

    (Leave Me Alone)

    (Leave Me Alone)

    Leave Me Alone

    Leave Me Alone

    (Leave Me Alone)

    (Leave Me Alone)

    (Leave Me Alone)

    Stop It!

    Just Stop Doggin' Me Around

    Leave Me Alone

    Leave Me Alone

    (Leave Me Alone)

    (Leave Me Alone)

    Leave Me Alone

    (Leave Me Alone)

    Leave Me Alone-Stop It!

    Just Stop Doggin' Me Around

    (Just Stop Doggin' Me)

    Don't Come Beggin' Me

    Don't Come Beggin'

    Don't Come Lovin' Me

    Don't Come Beggin'

    I Love You

    I Don't Want It

    I Don't . . .

    I Don't . . .

    I Don't . . .

    I . . .I . . ., Aaow!

    Hee Hee!

    Don't Come Beggin' Me

    Don't Come Beggin'

    Don't Come Lovin' Me

    Don't Come Beggin'

    I Love You

    I Don't Want It

    I Don't Need It




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